Attract someones attention to notify the Chief Warden immediately. Actual Fire Alarm Announcement to Floors 8-41: ATTENTION, ATTENTION, A Fire emergency has been reported in your zone. WHILE THIS REPORT IS BEING VERIFIED, PLEASE PROCEED INTO THE NEAREST FIRE EXIT STAIRWAY, AND AWAIT FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS. sound an alarm, followed by a voice evacuation message which usually state in the lines of Attention, Attention. This system makes so much more sense that I am sure just about every other manufacturer out there is doing it this way now and if they are not, they will soon. If Shelter in Place has been directed by Emergency Services, they will instruct. AN EMERGENCY HAS BEEN REPORTED IN THIS BUILDING. sensor status reports that help reduce installation time for electrical contractors and allows. Probably the best pre-configured message is pretty much identical to the one Dan refers to below…I uploaded it to Rapidshare if anyone is interested…I guess it can only be downloaded 10 times and will be deleted in 90 days so this link won’t be good for long but it should work for a bit. I much prefer this system over any standard pre-programmed system as it allows you to ensure the message played is as relevant as possible. There is a bundled library of pre-configured messages and “snippets” of messages that can be strung together in any fashion you like using the included software. wav files so really, your options are limitless. After the incident has been reported, the victim shall be examined and treated as a regular emergency room patient, and any injuries requiring medical attention will be treated in the standard manner, and specimens shall be kept for evidence.

The voice evac panels I am familiar with (Notifier) use standard 16bit 44.1Khz PCM. Message 2a (building-wide public address system): Attention.